The 60 second interview: Debby Hodgkinson

Name: Debby Hodgkinson

Published by Scrum Queens, November 28th, 2009

2 minute read

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The 60 second interview: Debby Hodgkinson

Country: Australia


Posiiton: No 8



Do you play any other sports?Touch Rugby

What celebrity would you invite to your birthday party?Beyonce

Who is the last celebrity you'd invite?Lady Ga-Ga

Which sporting figure do you most admire from outside of rugby?Muhammad Ali

If you could have any TV box set, what programme would it be?Sex and the city

You would do 10 laps to avoid doing?Ironing I hate it

What car do you drive?Red mazda mx5

Any nicknames and why.Debsta for obvious reasons and Zon I was shortlisted to be a gladiator on the tv show. There was a character on there called AmaZON.

One website you always check. Facebook

What's your signature dish if cooking?Vegetarian Lasagna

What other sports teams do you follow?Western Force

Song you would listen to before a match:Bonkers Dizzee Rascal

An interesting fact about yourself:The first game of rugby I ever played at the age of 20 was the first time Id ever watched or seen the game of rugby union.

If you could change one rugby rule what would it be?Drop goals would not be worth 3 points!

Best rugby moment?Winning the 2009 rugby 7s world cup in Dubai

And the worst?Doing my ACL 2 months out from 2006 world cup
