The 60 second interview: Victoria Heighway

Name: Victoria Heighway

Published by Scrum Queens, January 21st, 2010

2 minute read

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The 60 second interview: Victoria Heighway

Country: NZ

Caps: 28

Position: Lock


Occupation: Building and Design

Do you play any other sports?What ever I have time for, hmmm not much!

What celebrity would you invite to your birthday party?Beyonce Knowles

Who is the last celebrity you'd invite?Kanye West

If you could have any TV box set, what programme would it be?Outrageous Fortune

You would do 10 laps to avoid doing?10 laps

What car do you drive?Subaru Legacy SW

Any nicknames and why.No, avoided anything embarrassing sticking!

One website you always check.Weather, hoping for that hot summers day thats just around the corner for bbqs and wine.

What's your signature dish if cooking?Scallops poached in wine with a white sauce.

What other sports teams do you follow? Hmmmm All Blacks??!! No particular team, just exciting competitive events.

Song you would listen to before a match: Black Eyed Peas - Showdown

An interesting fact about yourself:Hold a Guiness World Record

If you could change one rugby rule what would it be?No hands in the ruck!!!

Best rugby moment?World Cup 2006

And the worst?Any loss.
